Food Revolution

Join the Food Revolution



In this post I want to share with you ways in which you can become involved in the Food Revolution that is necessary not only for the health of the person, but the health of the planet. 

Learning – Do you realize that there is an estimated 60 years of  farmable soil left on earth. Our food system is broken and bold steps must be taken now to regenerate the planet’s drying and dying soils. Below are some informative documentaries and books that will get you up to speed on this crises. 

“The Need to Grow” is a powerful documentary that speaks directly to this issue and is one you should watch. Granted they do try and hit you up to buy into their program at the end, but that’s your choice. Below is the link on Amazon for this and other things you may find of interest, but if you click above on the title there is a free screening available.


If you really want to get up to speed on all of this please read Pollan On Food. A three part box set that is a real eye opener when it comes to the food we eat. I read these a few years back and just recently picked them up again. Below is the link to this set on Amazon.


Action – There are hundreds of ways in which you can take action and get involved in the Food Revolution. For me the Number 1 way is to compost. Do a quick search on the internet to learn the best ways to compost and exactly what material you should be composting. Click Here for a how to on Getting Started with Composting.

Another quick tip as we head into Fall is to recycle your leaves. Each year tons upon tons of leaves are put to the curb to end up in our landfills. Take action by mowing the leaves, upon which they will act as an organic fertilizer for your lawn. I take it one step further by catching the mashed leaves and using them as an organic ground cover in flower beds and the garden. This helps keep the weeds out while feeding the soil.

Autumn leaves in a leaf compost bin at Arden hall , north ...                                  How to Compost Leaves - Countryside

Click Here for steps in composting leaves easily.


“Remember if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem.” Said by someone back in the 60s, but still relevant today.


Hey just want to add on to a topic we discussed last week and that is buying wine from sites online. I recently discovered Last Bottle. They have a presence on both the East and West coast so you get your delivery quickly. They also feature some great wines at good prices.

I opened an agreement with them so use the link and get $10.00 towards your first purchase. Use their link to refer friends and you receive a $30 credit. Not a bad deal.

Thanks for Reading!



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